All recordings of conferences and awards ceremonies.
costantino esposito

Costantino Esposito

"Philosophy as a path to conviviality"

Costantino Esposito (born 1955) is Full Professor of History of Philosophy and History of Metaphysics at DIRIUM (Department of Humanistic Research and Innovation) of the University of Bari Aldo Moro and at The Institute of Philosophical Studies affiliated with the University of Italian Switzerland in Lugano.

His main research interests include: the thought of Martin Heidegger, the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and the metaphysical work of Francisco Suárez. More recently, he has dealt with the theme of the self and desire in the thought of Augustine, the philosophy of the "Baroque" era and the questions of contemporary nihilism. He has translated, edited and introduced some classical works of philosophical thought, including the Metaphysical Disputations I-III of F. Suárez and the Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.

He has published numerous essays, articles and monographs on the authors he has dealt with and has given lectures and seminars in Europe, the US, Latin America and Japan. Among his latest publications: The Nihilism of Our Time. A Chronicle, Rome 2021 (already translated into several languages, most recently the American edition: The New Nihilism. The Existential Crisis of Our Time, Notre Dame University Press, Ind. 2024). Together with Pasquale Porro he is director (since 2000) of «Quaestio.

Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics» and author of a philosophy textbook for high schools: The Worlds of Philosophy, vol. 1: Ancient and Medieval, vol. 2: Modern, vol. 3: Contemporary, Laterza, Rome-Bari 2016. Since 2023 he has started the "Center for the Study of Heideggerian Criticism" (CSCH), a consortium involving as many as 14 Italian universities and leading Heidegger experts in Italy.

heisook kim

Heisook Kim

"Playing with Doubts"

Heisook Kim was elected as President of the International Federation of Philosophical Society in 2024. She is Professor Emerita of Philosophy at Ewha Womans University, Korea, where she also served as President from 2017 to 2021. Her research interests span epistemology, philosophical methodology, the philosophy of art, and feminist philosophy.

She has held leadership roles as President of the Korean Philosophical Association, the Korean Association of Feminist Philosophy, and the Korean Analytic Philosophy Association. She also served as a member of the Steering Committee of Fisp and of the Program Committee of the 24th World Congress of Philosophy (Beijing 2018).

Kim earned her PhD from the University of Chicago in 1987 and returned to Ewha Womans University, where she assumed a professorship in philosophy. She has also served as Dean of Scranton College, Director of the Ewha Institute for the Humanities, and Director of the Ewha Institute of Philosophy.

emidio spinelli

Emidio Spinelli

"A Perfect Philosophical Banquet. Socrates, Plato and the Search for Truth"

Emidio Spinelli is currently Full Professor at "Sapienza"-Università di Roma ('History of Ancient Philosophy'/Department of Philosophy), Vice-Rector for Right to Study and Didactic Quality at the same University, and National President of "Società Filosofica Italiana".

He has been Junior Fellow at the "Center for Hellenic Studies"/Harvard University (Washington DC); Research Fellow at the "Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung" (Universität Konstanz) and Visiting Scholar at many Universities, as for example: the "Humboldt Universität-Berlin"; the 'École Normale Supérieure'-Lyon; the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg i.B.; the 'Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies', Universität Hamburg.

Chief editor of the "Bollettino della Società Filosofica Italiana" and co-editor of the Journal "Elenchos" (Rivista di studi sul pensiero antico), he was and/or still is member of the editorial staff of many national and international Journals.

Besides many articles on different topics in ancient philosophy (Presocratics, Atomists, Socrates/minor Socratics, Plato, Stoics, Epicureans, literary and philosophical papyry) and apart his work in the field of electronic editions of ancient texts, his main publications are on ancient skepticisms. In addition, since 1998 he actively works on Hans Jonas and some of his unpublished texts; in this area of research, besides many articles in national and international Journals or books, he has edited or published many books (more details on all these publications).